The audio series featuring interviews with people making news in the Macintosh User Group community.
Roemer, Rozanski, Davis of The Campus Group Advisory Board, Club de Usuarios Mac, Bolivia & iChat Channel, MUG Deals and More!

(This Edition No Longer Available)

This edition features the first public interviews with members of the new Campus Group Advisory Board and more!
David Roemer of The Apple User Group Advisory Board talks about the creation of the Campus Group Advisory Board, the new offerings for campus groups on the Apple web site, and why high school MUGs are not out of the question.
Rowan Rozanski of the Colorado State Macintosh Users Group and Chair of the new Campus Group Advisory Board, talks about this new advocacy group for the campus user group movement, the members of the team and what the future holds.
Matt Davis of the Tarheel Macintosh User Group at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and member of the Campus Group Advisory Board talks about the young age and rapid growth of his group, how he is working with other Apple Student Reps and more.
Jose Jordan of the Club de Usuarios Mac of Bolivia discusses his group, what it is like to be an authorized Apple reseller in his country, and the iChat channel he created for MUG members and leaders throughout the world.
Lorene Romero, Vendor Liaison for the User Group Advisory Board will be stopping by on a monthly basis to update us on the month's new vendor deals exclusively for MUG members.


All Materials copyright 2002 Chuck Joiner/The MUG Center.