The audio series featuring interviews with people making news in the Macintosh User Group community.
Rick Ortiz, MUG Events at the MacDesign Conference, MUG Switcher iMovie and Deals

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Our guests for this edition include:

Rick Ortiz, the newest member of the Apple User Group Advisory Board talks about his group, how they involve young people, growing their group, what he brings to UGAB, and how to recognize an authentic Hawaiian shirt.
Philip Booth of the Houston Area Apple Users Group talks about how he came up with the idea for a Switcher iMovie parody to help promote his group and what it took to make it a reality.
Lesa Snider and Lorene Romero of the Apple User Group Advisory Board talk about the upcoming MacDesign Conference, and the user group events they will be coordinating there.
Lorene Romero of the Apple User Group Advisory Board makes her montly visit to update us on the latest and greatest deals for MUG members only, including why it is important to use the MUG Priority Code when registering for Macworld CreativePro Conference & Expo.

(#306 4/28/03)

All Materials copyright 2003 Chuck Joiner/The MUG Center.