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The MUG Center Blog:

Writings, ramblings, proclamations and prognostications from the front lines of the Apple community.

9/28/05 Making a Macintosh Impression: The Slideshow
8/10/05 How & Why to Back Up Your System The MUG Center Way, Part 4
6/9/05 Apple, Intel and Some Common Sense
5/23/05 How & Why to Back Up Your Mac The MUG Center Way (Part 3)
5/4/05 How & Why to Back Up Your Mac The MUG Center Way (Part 2)
4/25/05 How & Why to Back Up Your Mac The MUG Center Way (Part 1)
3/25/05 The User Group Opportunity
3/21/05 Schizophrenic Thinking on Apple's Rumors Site Legal Actions
2/21/05 Goodbye, Hunter S. Thompson
1/31/05 Travel Tips as a User Group Meeting Topic

If you like what you read...or don't, agree...or don't, or just have comments, feel free to email me at [email protected]., Inc.

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