Bob LeVitus’ Mid-Atlantic MUG Tour Wraps Up with Three-Meeting Series in Washington D.C.
The second and final leg of Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus Mid-Atlantic MUG Tour will wrap up with a three meeting series in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and suburban Virginia.
Bob will deliver two Mac Masters Series presentations, one on Friday, May 30 and the second on Saturday, May 31. Bob will present “Taming Leopard” on Friday, and “Living the iLife” on Saturday. Both sessions will be in-depth presentations on two important aspects of the Macintosh experience, delivered by the guy who wrote the book on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
On Saturday afternoon, May 31, Bob will be the special guest at the Washington Apple Pi general meeting, discussing his current favorite crop of programs, products and services.
For more information on how to attend one or all of these events, including how to sign up for the Mac Masters series, visit the Washington Apple Pi web site.
This year’s tour included early Mac stops at the Main Line Macintosh Users Group, Princeton Macintosh Users Group and Hershey Apple Core.
Bob is the author of more Mac books that you can count, the most recent of which are Mac OS X Leopard For Dummies and Office 2008 for Mac For Dummies (For Dummies. Bob is a frequent, favorite speaker at Mac User Groups, columnist for The Houston Chronicle and The Mac Observer and a member of the MacNotables panel.