The MUG Event Calendar for the Week of May 20: Bryan Chaffin, Apple TV, DaVinci Resolve and LucidLink

The MUG Event Calendar

A visit by Bryan Chaffin to a California group is at the top of this week’s MUG Event Calendar. A Florida group will look at how to make even more use of your Apple TV, and a creative pro group in Los Angeles will dive deep into DaVinci Resolve and LucidLink.

Thanks to all the groups who regularly send in their meeting announcements. If you would like to see yours in our weekly Briefing, put a note on your schedule for the first of the month and email the details to The MUG Center.

The week’s complete listings include:

Monday May 20

Silicon Valley Macintosh Users Group – Bryan Chaffin – All Things Apple!

Tuesday May 21

Wednesday May 22

Naples MacFriends – How to Convert/Watch Home Movies on AppleTV

Los Angeles Creative Pro User Group – DaVinci Resolve 19 and LucidLink

MacNexus – TBA

Thursday May 23

Friday May 24

Saturday May 25

Northeast Ohio Apple Corps – TBA

Sunday May 26

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