Working with Presenters

by Dave Marra (After conducting an excellent session in the User Group Lounge at Macworld Expo NYC 2001, Dave Marra, Apple Senior Systems Engineer, agreed to put together this piece on how to find and work with presenters. Many thanks to Dave for sharing his insight as a veteran MUG presenter.) Within most technology companies, […]

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Free Resources for Mac User Groups

Whether you’re just starting your Macintosh User Group, or if you’re trying to grow and offer new services, there are things you need to help you function. You can pay for them, or, if you don’t mind a little advertising, you can get many of them for free or almost free.This section will give you […]

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Leadership Library

Opening Sessions & Keynotes User Group Operations User Group Interaction Marketing & Publicity Vendor & Retailer Relationships Working With People MUG Communications Youth & Campus Group Sessions Events & Community Activities Leadership Tools, Resources & Training Switchers   Opening Sessions & Keynotes Event Session Video Audio Materials UGU SF 2007 iWoz Steve Wozniak The co-founder […]

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What Is a Macintosh User Group

Macintosh User Groups (MUGs) are many things to many people. They range from a few friends who get together to share experiences and expertise, to organized community gatherings, to global organizations dedicated to the relentless pursuit of Mac excellence. There is no one solid definition which encompasses all MUGs. There are a few common characteristics […]

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Starting a Mac User Group

Starting a MUG is easy! Just find one or two other people who are as enthusiastic about using the Macintosh as you are, and you’re on your way! No one has to be a technical expert, a business whiz, or anything else. As long as you share a desire to learn more about the Mac, […]

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Find a Mac User Group

There are hundreds of Macintosh User Groups all over the globe. Use these resources to locate the one(s) closest to you. The MUG Center’s Surfboard This comprehensive list of active user group web sites is in analog format, for easy browsing, and gives one a sense of the size of the MUG community. Yes, the […]

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The MUG Center Survey

Macintosh User Groups come in a variety of styles, focuses and structures. Campus, application-specific, community, industry, online and many others make up the dynamic and evolving user group community. Questions and results so far: 2006 Rate The User Group Events at Macworld Expo 2006 How did you like the various aspects of User Group University? […]

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Mac User Group Email Lists

One of the easiest ways to connect to the larger MUG community is to join one or more of the email discussion lists. Many groups run their own individual lists for the benefit of their members. These lists cut across the broader spectrum, to user group leaders from around the world. The MUG Center Email […]

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The MUG Center’s Newsletter Content Email List

Join The MUG Center’s Newsletter Content Email List Our goal is to make newsletter content sharing easy! Easy to contribute, easy to use, easy to get graphics, easy to allow your group and your authors to get the credit and readership they deserve. Remember that the goal is to share content, not newsletters! Unlike web […]

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