The MUG Event Calendar for the Week of June 3: Mac Tips

The MUG Event Calendar

With the start of summer, many Apple User Groups go on vacation, so the MUG Event Calendar tends to slow down.

This week, only one group has anything on the agenda that they are telling us about: A Florida group will talk about Mac tips, something everyone can benefit from.

Thanks to all the groups who regularly send in their meeting announcements. If you would like to see yours in our weekly Briefing, put a note on your schedule for the first of the month and email the details to The MUG Center.

The week’s complete listings include:

Monday June 3

Tuesday June 4

appleJAC – TBA

Wednesday June 5

Naples MacFriends – Mac Tips That will Help You Every Day

Thursday June 6

Friday June 7

Saturday June 8

Sunday June 9

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