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Macintosh User Group Event Calendar
| Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
| Macworld Expo S.F. |
May 2002
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
The Third Annual User Group Officer's
Conference at Trenton Computer Faire
- Trenton N.J.
User Group Leader Chat - World Without Borders
Digital MUG Chat - World Without Borders

Greater Cleveland PC Users Group - Dave Marra of Apple

Main Line MUG - "Dr. Bob" Levitus

MUG ONE - Dave Marra of Apple
RockMUG Macintosh Users Group - Dave Marra of Apple

Atlanta Macintosh Users Group - Andy Ihnatko
Apple's Volunteer MUG Teams Chat - World Without Borders
Topic: Expanding Your Market (Part 2)
North Coast Macintosh Users Group - Gary Wilson of Microsoft
Lehigh Valley Computer Group - Dave Marra of Apple

North Coast Macintosh Users Group - Gary Wilson of Microsoft
23 Chat
Caracas MUG's 5th Anniversary Celebration and MacOS X Workshop
LatinMUG Chat - World Without Borders

MUG Center Chat - World Without Borders
Gold Coast Mac - John Allen of Apple
The Wellington Macintosh Society Inc. - Digital Solutions Expo MUG Conference - Wellington, New Zealand

User Group Conference In New Zealand

The Wellington Macintosh Society Inc. has decided to endeavour to forge better links with other Mac User Groups in New Zealand and in order to achieve this are organising a joint Expo and Conference. We have now booked the concourse area and Soundings Theatre at Te Papa, the Museum of New Zealand in Wellington on Friday 31 May and Saturday 1 June for the Expo and the Johnsonville Community Centre on Sunday 2 June for the User Group conference.

We are calling the expo the 'Digital Solutions Expo' and will use Apple's digital hub concept as the basis. The plan is to have the expo on Friday and Saturday with a major keynote and demonstrations in the theatre. This seats only 328 so pre registration will be necessary. There will be at least four seminars on the Friday and two on the Saturday and preference will be given to user group members for both the keynote and seminars.

Conference meeting and any workshops will be held on the Sunday. There will also be workshops with topics such as how to improve membership numbers, what to do on meeting nights etc.

The aim of the conference is to provide both an opportunity for like minded individuals to get together and secondly to form a national body with membership comprising all Mac User Groups to coordinate and foster communication and transfer of resources between the various member groups. It could also be a vehicle to enable Mac users in areas not served by user groups but wishing to belong to a Mac organisation to communicate, share experiences and information with other individual members and associated user groups.

Anyone who is a member of a Mac User Group in New Zealand is invited to participate at the conference and also be able to attend the seminars and keynote speech including a digital hub demonstration.

Third Annual User Group Officer's Conference at Trenton Computer Festival

My name is Scott Vincent and I am the President of the Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey, the first computer end-user group in the country, and President and Co-Director of The Trenton Computer Festival, the first computer end-user computer show in the country.

On the weekend on May 4th & 5th, 2002, the ACGNJ and the other Trenton Computer Festival ( organizations will hold TCF-2002, our 27th year. The festival will be held at the New Jersey Convention Center in the Raritan Center in Edison, NJ.

Aside from being the oldest and longest continuously running end-user computer show, TCF is very unique. Besides the many vendors selling both old and new computers and accessories, there is a complete schedule of very informative talks and forums about pretty much any topic in computing you may have interest in. Outside, we have a flea market where bargains on both new and used computers and all sorts of other items can be found.

On Sunday May 5th at 10:00 am, The Third Annual User Group Officer's Conference at TCF will be held. Regardless of what kind of computers or aspect of computing your organization focuses on, you will benefit from this forum. Officers of computer user groups from all over the northeastern United States meet and discuss issues that effect the starting up and running of users groups. Ideas that have worked for their groups may be exactly what you need to improve your own organization. Feel free to share your successes with us.

I cordially invite you and the other elected officers of your user group to join us at TCF. I would also like to take this opportunity to request that you let the members of your organization know about the Trenton Computer Festival and perhaps consider organizing a group outing. Please check out our web site, ( which will answer any questions you may have about TCF including the schedule of Talks and Forums throughout the weekend.

Please respond back to me at mailto:[email protected] with the names of officers from your organization that plan to attend the User Group Officer's Conference. A nametag for each registered officer will be available at the information booth in the lobby of the Convention Center upon their arrival anytime during the festival.

Thank you for your time and I hope to see you at TCF in May.

Caracas Macintosh User Group 5th Anniversary

CMUG-l 5to Anniversary

To all our Mac friends, Caracas MUG members, members of our list (CMUG-l) and so, we invite you to share a different day between people like you!!!!

We decide to give you a present for your MacFriendship during this 5 years, we believe that you have being a very important part of our community and we will be please if you can let us still being an important part of your life, so we will be able to help you like we did until now giving you the chance to learn more about MacTechnology.

During this 5 years we have made our best effort to teach you, to share our experiences, and lately even we help you to sell your old Macs, so you can buy a new one :)

Don't let pass this chance to enjoy a special day!!!

Date: May 25, 2.002
Place: Caracas' Medical School Association Auditory, Santa Fé - Caracas Time: 9 am (please be on time)

1) Welcome
2) Introduction to Mac OS X
2.1) Showing you Mac OS X
2.2) Characteristics of Mac OS X
3) Installation, requirements and things you should know
4) Digital Life Style
5) Q&A

Fot more information on the event write to: [email protected]

If you want to see our invitation look at:

Hopping having you there and don't forget that we have some surprises !!!! :)

Pass the info and bring your friends.

This event is sponsored by:

- Apple User Group Program
- Adobe User Group Program
- VirtualMac Store
- Posa Studio Creativo
- Soluciones del Futuro
- Dynamic Studios
- Dr. Mac-Pc

5to Aniversario del CMUG-L

Celebración de los 5 años de la lista del CMUG

A todos nuestros amigos del Mundo Mac, del Caracas Macintosh User Group, de la lista del CMUG (cmug-l), los invitamos a compartir un día diferente con la gente como tú!!!!

Hemos decidido darte un obsequio por tu MacAmistad a lo largo de estos 5 años, creemos que tú has sido parte importante de nuestra comunidad y nos gustaría estrechar esos lazos, queremos seguir siendo una parte importante de tu vida y ayudarte como hasta ahora a valorar la MacTecnología.

Estos 5 años hemos puesto nuestro mejor esfuerzo para enseñarte, para compartir nuestras experiencias y últimamente hasta hemos colaborado para que vendas tus Macs y te compres una mejor :)

No dejes pasar esta oportunidad, será un día muy especial !!!

Día: 25 de Mayo 2.002
Lugar: Auditorio del Colegio de Médicos del Distrito Federal, Santa Fé - Caracas
Hora: 9 am (favor ser puntual)

1) Palabras de presentación
2) Introducción al Sistema Mac OS X
2.1) Demostración del Mac OS X
2.2) Características del OS X
3) Instalación, Requerimientos y Observaciones
4) Nuevo estilo de vida digital
5) Preguntas y Respuestas

Para más información escribe a: [email protected]

Para ver nuestra invitación visita:

Esperamos contar con tu presencia y no olvides que habrán sorpresas !!!! :)

Riega la Voz y trae a los panas.

Este evento es patrocinado por:

- Apple User Group Program
- Adobe User Group Program
- VirtualMac Store
- Posa Studio Creativo
- Soluciones del Futuro
- Dynamic Studios
- Dr. Mac-Pc

Is there an event which is by, for, or about the Macintosh User Group community? We would like to have it listed here! Please send us the details, press releases, URL, and any other information.

Events accepted for listing include online events, regional, national, and international events, and events with a special interest factor. To find out what's happening this month at a specific user group, surf Hershey Apple Core's Ultimate Macintosh User Group List.

Last Update: Wed, Jun 19, 2002